Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My first post

Hi there everybody. First of all, I'd like to welcome you to my blog, and give a special thank you to Hope, my daughter, for helping me create this blog. She's attending college online for graphic design, and we're so proud of her. THANKS, HOPESTER!
Well, I guess I'd better tell you all a bit about myself. I'm 50, married 22 years to Chuck, also 50, and we're parents of Hope, 19. We're also "adopted" parents of Amora, 19, and David, 17, friends of Hope's from high school. Amora lives with us, and David lives down the street but spends much of his time here playing video games and annoying the girls and Rudy, one of our cats. We live in Griffith, Indiana, and have lived here for 4 years. We have 2 dogs...Charlotte and Butterscotch, 3 cats... Rudy, Mack, and Fritz, 3 birds... Crash, Casey, and Louie-Louie, 3 fish... Naruto, Misa, and Tre, and 2 hamsters...Patrick and Itachi. As you can tell, we're animal lovers. My mom, 87, still lives in Chicago, my dad died 5 years ago, and my sister Lois died Sept. 12, 2008. Seeing Amora and Hope clowning around reminds me so much of Lois and me when we were younger as well as how we were before Lois died. The torch has been passed, Hope and Amora...go get 'em!!
Chuck, Amora, and I are Christians, and Hope's a solitary wiccan. I work from home as a freelance telemarketer. We're still looking for a home church, and so far have it narrowed down to about 3 or 4. It's tough to find a church both Chuck and I can attend together, since he's a trucker and not always home on Sunday mornings. I'm disabled due to back and knee problems, and am really dangerous in those electric carts at Walmart(I have run over Hope enough times that she tenses whenever she hears an electric cart near her in Wal-mart). I'm getting better, though...recently I only took out 2 displays...lol.
I love cooking, reading, gardening, traveling, crafts esp. candlemaking and soapmaking, movies, music, corresponding, and lots more.
Well, I guess that's it for today. Hope said she's going to show me how to post pictures and stuff on here, so check in when you can and see what's new here. Thanks for visiting...God bless you all abundantly. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Ruth

Here are some images. I hope you like them!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog, Ruth! I get behind sometimes, but I'll try and follow along!

